
Discover the MEM's educational programs. For more information, contact .

Elementary Cycle 3
History — Culture and Citizenship in Quebec

What will you pack?

In a tour of the MEM, students revisit the history of Montréal through the lens of immigration. A role-playing game helps build empathy for the range of migration experiences by asking the question: what do people pack when they have to leave one country for another?

Elementary Cycle 3
Secondary Cycle 1
Culture and Citizenship in Quebec

Sparking Civic Engagement

Are your students interested in politics? Do they see themselves as future citizens who can make a difference in their community? As they explore the museum, students learn about social movements that have shaped Montréal. In teams, they outline a project that they could implement in their school or neighbourhood.

Culture and Citizenship in Quebec

Accessible Montréal

As they visit the MEM, students reflect on the impacts of disabilities and consider ways to make the museum more accessible. This exploration provides students with a valuable opportunity to expand their understanding of issues related to disability, inclusion, and accessibility.

Secondary Cycle 1

Montréal metropolis

Students learn about the metropolis’s characteristics, territory, population, and power of attraction, as well as the challenges it faces today. The visit encourages them to use their creativity to come up with innovative solutions to a challenging problem: affordable housing for all.

Elementary Cycle 3
Culture and Citizenship in Quebec

Detours – Urban Experiences and A Mile in My Shoes

Visit our two temporary exhibitions with your school group to discover the life stories of fellow Montrealers. A great opportunity to talk about Montréal and empathy with your students.

Elementary Cycle 3
Culture and Citizenship in Quebec

A Mile in My Shoes—In-Class Activity

Experience the interactive exhibition A Mile in My Shoes in your classroom.

Elementary Cycle 3
Culture and Citizenship in Quebec
Social Sciences

Citizens of Tomorrow

In partnership with Élections Montréal, the special project Citizens of Tomorrow invites you to explore how the democratic process works in Montréal and to understand its history.

Online encyclopedia

The Encyclopedia's Education section offers a selection of articles and teaching materials based on the Quebec Education Program. Discover our articles, which include images and sometimes videos to enrich your teaching.