Secondary Cycle 1

Montréal metropolis

View of downtown Montreal from the Mount Royal lookout.
Credit: Nathalia Segato

What makes Montréal a great city and one of Canada’s major metropolises? As students explore the MEM, they learn about the city’s characteristics, territory, architecture, population, and economic activities, as well the power of attraction it has exerted throughout its history. But Montréal has problems, too! Students put their imaginations and creativity to work to find solutions to one of the city’s most urgent and complex issues: providing affordable housing for all.


  • Explore Montréal’s characteristics as a major metropolis.

Links to the Québec Education Program (QEP)

Secondary Cycle 1

Cross-Curricular Competencies
  • Exercise critical judgement
  • Use creativity
  • Cooperate with others
  • Communicate appropriately



  • Use information

Progression of learning

  • Urban territory
    • Metropolis
    • Heritage city
  • Regional territory
    • Tourist regions
    • Industrial regions
  • Techniques
    • Interpret a landscape
    • Interpret a map

This activity was created in cooperation with the museologist Estelle Poirier-Vannier and the Groupe de recherche sur l’éducation et les musées.

The MEM is listed in the Répertoire Culture-Éducation. The activity Montréal metropolis is eligible for financial support through the Field Trips to Cultural Venues program.

Information and reservation

Contact Linda to make a reservation.

By email:
[email protected]
By telephone:
514 872-0238
120 minutes including arrival and departure
60 students
  • Students: $5
  • Accompanying adult (1 per 15 students): Free


At the MEM
Getting to the MEM
Bus Drop-Off
  • Located at 61 boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest, Montréal, Québec, H2Z 1A3
  • A member of the MEM team will meet you at the drop-off and accompany you on foot to the museum (200 m)
Public Transit
  • Metro
    • Saint-Laurent station (200 m)
    • Champ-de-Mars station (600 m)
  • Bus : 55, 125, 129, 150

Educational vision

The MEM's educational offering is the fruit of a collective effort involving a committee of some fifteen teachers and education specialists, as well as community partners working in the fields of civic engagement, living together and accessibility.

Our educational programs aim to equip young people to become citizens interested in their city, its challenges and its history. They aim to foster their awareness of the importance of living together and their commitment to their community.

Our programs talk about Montreal, its history, its territory and its people, through such perspectives as neighborhoods, immigration, citizen power and disability. The varied activities that make up our programs encourage students to share their experiences, develop critical thinking skills and empathy, and foster civic engagement.