Cultural activities
The MEM invites you to take part in a host of activities and discover its original and diverse programming.
Tomorrow’s Milton Parc
Creative Thinking Day
Participate in a creative workshop about the future of Milton Parc and discuss the social and civic engagement that is so important to the community.
Discovering Les Constellations de l’hippocampe
Join us in the Cabaret for a special day of activities around the MEM’s public art project Les Constellations de l’hippocampe
Off-the-Wall Evening
An orange cone for Halloween
Join us for an Off-the-Wall Evening and a casual museum visit—but without the casual wear! That’s right: don’t forget your costume. The theme? Orange cones!
Joy Demonstration – As part of the Novembre en couleur festival
Make a sign to celebrate joy and joyfully demonstrate with us!
WOW: Searching for Montreal in Audiovisual Archives
Meet one of the MEM’s audiovisual researchers to learn about her work and discover the previously unseen images she found for our permanent exhibition.
Brico Zéro
Our Brico Zero workshops are open to all! DIY projects invite you to repurpose everyday materials and develop new zero-waste reflexes.
Check back for details.
Off-the-Wall Evening with L’Entremetteuse
Off-the-Wall evenings are opportunities to visit the MEM in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Museums don’t have to be serious! A special evening for singles.
Check back for details.
Ô douce providence
With the Duplessis Orphans
The MEM is honoured to welcome the Duplessis orphans with their committed testimonies and performances.